Saturday, May 27, 2006

Here's what some rattie owners have to say. are what some rattie owners have to say about their little buddies...

We have 5 rats - two old rescues, two from a breeder and one from an acquiantance's accidental litter. They're surprisingly sociable pets; friendly, playful, attention-seeking and able to learn lots of neat tricks! They hardly smell (in comparison to many other rodents) and are easily litter trained, thus very clean - what more could one want from a pet?
Anna Taylor, Brighton, UK

When my sister first got pet rats I was horrified but I have come to quite like them. They are excellent pets for her children and even I am rather fond of them now. They are very intelligent creatures and affectionate.
Carol Jappy, Grangemouth, Scotland

I own three pet rats, and I can honestly say they're the best pets you could ever want! People often say "eeugh" when I mention my pets, and it's incredibly frustrating that such an amazing animal has such a terrible reputation.
Carys, Buckinghamshire

I love rats and have done for years. I've currently got 8 and they are all definitely members of our family. They make excellent pets, especially for children, as they will put up with a lot more mis-handling than some of the more 'traditional' childs pets such as hamsters. They should be kept in at least pairs, need large cages, specialist diets and a lot of time and love, but will reward you with fun, love and loyalty almost on an equal to a dog.
Gemma, Surrey, UK

At last - a recognition of the softer side of our favourite pets... We've had 3 rats for 2 years now, and have never even been slightly nibbled by them - unlike my hamster which bit me so much that it used to draw blood!
Mbo Lina, Chesham, UK

My daughter had guinea pigs. I don't think domestic rats are much different. I think it's the tails that put people off.
dave godfrey, swindon, uk

Once your colleagues find out you own rats ¿ that¿s it. You are an easy target. Unfortunately for my colleagues I am an aggressive ex Rugby player, who takes great pleasure in annihilating, unsuspecting, ignorant workers who decide to pass comment on me. They never do it again I assure you. Rats make great pets and they sleep during the day while you are at work, haven't quite trained mine to do the washing up though!
Juliette Roberts, Maidenhead

Peoples perceptions are a funny thing. Whilst wandering about our local town in my youth, white ratty on shoulder, people would come up to me and coo silly questions, like "aww cute is it a ferret?(!)". On my reply of "rat" their smiles would freeze into disgust and their feet usually run away..
Carina, Victoria, London

Pet rats are the most beautiful, intelligent and funny animals you could ever own. I couldn't imagine life without my two boys now, and am on the lookout for more rats to keep them company.
Felicity, Witney, Oxon

Personally I do not really see the difference between having a hamster or having a rat. Yet hamsters are much more 'acceptable' despite hamsters being much more vicious animals than rats are.
Jess, Buckinghamshire

I have 2 rats and after my dog they are the best pets I've ever had. I've owned rabbits gerbils and hamsters and the rats are the best! They are cleaner, and love to be petted where rabbits and hamsters tend to want to run away.
Amy , Bristol

My parents raised me with pet rats and they are, by far, the most intellectual animals that I have had the privilege of near.
Jessica H, Austin, Texas, US

Pet rats have about as much in common with wild rats as say, dogs do to dingos or wolves! I had a pair of pet rats a few years ago and they were really great pets - very intelligent and always cleaning and grooming themselves. If people such as Mr Scott-Bell of Plymouth could just get over this silly rat-phobia, perhaps they would see what excellent pets fancy rats are.
Jon Brown, Winchester, UK rats are sooo under-rated...

Love rats

It's World Rat Day, a chance for rat owners globally to celebrate their rather maligned and misunderstood pets.

They're not considered your average pet but there are 2.5 million rodent-owning households in Britain, according to the Pet Food Manufacturers' Association.

That's quite a lot when you consider there are just over five million dog-owning households in the UK and the British are famous for being a nation of dog lovers.

World Rat Day is a chance for rat owners to celebrate their pets, an opportunity they don't often get.

"There is a stigma attached to owning a rat," says Stella Hulott, who runs the Kent-based charity and rat shelter, CavyRescue (which is staging a rat beauty pageant for the occasion).

According to enthusiasts, rats make far better pets for young children than other more traditional domesticated creatures, like rabbits.

Mrs Hulott and her husband Jason set up their charity to educate people about rats and run a recycle-a-rodent scheme to re-house homeless domestic rats, along with other small furry animals. They hope to expand and open a rat sanctuary that is staffed 24-hours-a-day. me, love my rat :-)

Companionship from an unexpected source

Her name was Pricilla. She was a hooded white rat and she was the sweetest pet we were ever to own. If someone had told me that I would have allowed my sons to bring home a rat for a pet, I would have laughed out loud.

It started with, "Mom, the teacher wants us to watch one of the classroom pets this summer. Can we? Pleeeeease?" I forgot to ask specifically what kind, and they conveniently forgot to tell me. I just assumed gerbil, hamster or guinea pig -- the normal classroom pet.

She looked up at me with the darkest eyes, beautifully clothed in long curly eyelashes. Her head was all black and her body was white. Hence the named hooded white rat. I didn't care how pretty she looked. A rat is a rat and nothing could change that. So, I said NO, NO, NO! She will stay only until another student can take her. NOT a minute longer! And remember to lock her cage door!

She was no trouble, almost as if she was trying to blend into the background so she could stay. The boys seemed to take care of her without being reminded, too. I should have suspected then, but I didn't. Any reminders, "Who have you found to take her?" were always answered, "We're trying, Mom, but they are leaving on vacation and their mom says NO!" Somehow, I felt I was losing the battle.

She was extremely clean and even sweet smelling! I hadn't held her yet. NO one was going to see me hold a rat! But, the boys would sneak up behind me and hold her to my ear and she would gently tickle me with those black whiskers.

She had a personality and taught me that love comes in many baskets.

What had happened to me? Did a black hooded mother rat teach me to love all of God's creatures no matter what?

...never be too quick to judge...