Saturday, October 08, 2005

Are those Rats purring?

Bruxing in rats is akin to purring in cats. It's their way of showing they are
happy or content (although they can also do it when scared or nervous, like
at the vet).

My boys have quite a repertoire of adorable bruxing sounds. I've studied
their bruxing intently and come to the conclusion that it occurs in a number
of ways and at several levels. It seems to involve the teeth and air in the
mouth in the following ways:

- intermittent teeth grinding/chattering
- interspersed with a break during which the tongue moves around in the mouth
and the mouth opens and closes while the head lifts up (like smacking their lips
after a particularly good treat)
- the fooffing sound with air puffed into their cheeks/nose
- the air pressure becomes so great the upper face puffs up and eye balls bulge
out and vibrate (truly creepy, but adorable)

My rats will happily grind and chatter teeth without much effort, but they often need
extra encouragement to reach the ecstatic heights of bugeyedness. To do this, I
sit at rat level with them and stare straight into their big dark eyes. Then I alternately speak soothingly to them and chatter my teeth at them. When they start to brux back I imitate exactly what they do... the teeth grinding, lip smacking, head raises, and fooffing sounds. Before long it becomes a contest in who can brux the loudest and they usually win by playing their trump card... they KNOW I can't do the eye bulging thing!!! :

...bruxing and bulging...bulging and bruxing

Rat names A

Here are names for pet rats, submitted by their owners.
Beginning with A:

Al Capone
Andy (Mr. Andy or AndAnd for short)
Anthrax (Ani for short)

Top 10 rat cages

When it comes to rat cages, the larger the better! A good size cage with plenty of space will provide about 2 cubic feet of space per rat. The wire spacing is important too - no more than 1 by 2 inches for adults, and smaller for babies. The cages listed below meet or exceed the basic requirements for pair of adult rats, and were selected on this criteria (rather than personal experience).

1) Martin's Skyscraper (R-695)
This is a good sized cage at a decent price. At 30" x 18" x 36" it is a large cage and a ton of extra space is provided by two balconies and a full middle floor (three ramps total). All Martin's cages feature a drop in plastic pan. They are available in galvanized or powder coat finsishes and most are now available with a handy flip top lid. However, their balconies are made of wire mesh; the mesh is an acceptable 1/2" by 1/2" but should be at least partly covered for foot comfort.

2) Martin's Cages Rat Tower (R-690)
At 24" x 14" x 36" this cage is as tall as the first one, but is a little smaller in length and width. However, it also features a full middle floor and two balconies (and three ramps) so provides lots of additional space. Like other Martin's cages, available in galvanized or powder coat finish and with a flip top lid.

3) Martin's The Rat Retreat (R-685)
At 30" x 18" x 24" this is a good sized cage, made roomier by a full second level (and the ramp is designed with a landing so as not to be too steep). The cage has a full flip top for access to the top level, and a 3.5" drop in style plastic pan. Available in galvanized or powder coated, but not in a flip top.

4) The Rat Highrise (H-600HR)
While this cage has smaller overall dimensions (18" x 11" x 24") than some other cages here, it features two balconies as well as a full middle floor to make up for it. This gives your rats more extra space vertically while not taking up too much room, a bonus if you have a small home. Like other Martin's cages, it is availalable in galvanized or powder coat finishes, and has a drop in plastic pan. It is also quite inexpensive.

5) Martin's Rat Lodge (R-680)
At 30" x 18" x 24" with two balconies and two ramps, this cage is a decent size at a fair price. Not as large as some of the other cages, but still more than adequate for a couple of rats.

6) The Ruud Cage (R-699) - Martin's Cages
This is the roomiest cage I have found intended for rats - virtually a palace at 30" x 18" x 60" and featuring seven levels, six ramps, four balconies, and two full floors! A solid black pan forms the floor of the cage. Available in galvanized and powder coated metal. While more expensive than some of the above cages, it is quite reasonable for such a huge cage.

7) Martin's Aquarium Toppers
These are a unique way to convert old fish tanks into great rat cages. These sit on top of aquariums with a ladder tho connect the aquarium to the levels of the wire cage. The two story toppers (available for either 10 or 20 gallon tanks) would convert relatively small tanks into spacious 3 story cages. A major advantage to this style is that you can provide a nice thick layer of bedding that your rats will have a hard time kicking out all over your floor!

8) Corner Creek Acres Rat Cage
A reasonable size for a couple of rats, at 18" x 24" x 24" available in galvanized wire only. 4 levels/balconies with ramps provide extra play and climbing space. The cage features a slide out pan which is nice for cleaning but a bit shallow to contain the bedding. Once you enter the site look for the rat/hamster cage link.
Manufacturer's Site

9) The Rat Cabin (R-670)
Another inexpensive selection from Martin's, this cage is getting a little on the small size for a pair of rats at 24" x 14" x 24." However, there are two small balconies with ramps that do help provide extra floor space and exercise opportunities. A 3 inch drop in pan helps contain the bedding and the cage is available in galvanized or powder coat finishes, with an optional flip top lid.

10) Quality Cages Large Deluxe Rat Home
At 24" x 18" x 18" with a balcony and ramp with landing, this is an attractive cage that is available in powder coated metal (black or white) for a very reasonable price. A reasonable size for a couple of rats. Has a nice large front opening door. (Note: this manufacturer also offers some multi level cages which are a decent size and inexpensive, but they have built in wire wheels that are not suitable for rats).

...rat mansion ...theres no place like home...

I smell a rat...uh mine....

$10m demining project to send rats into Great Lakes

Special Correspondent, THE EASTAFRICAN

Tanzanian-trained mine detection rats will be deployed in demining operations in the Great lakes region.

The rats have been tested according to International Mine Action Standards, officially accredited by the Mozambique Mine Action Centre. They are currently being used in minefields in Mozambique, one of the most mined countries in the world.

The Belgian humanitarian agency Apopo, in collaboration with Sokoine University of Agriculture and the Tanzanian Peoples Defence Forces (TPDF), have developed a vapour-detection technology that utilises the highly developed olfactory sense of the rats. The technology has enabled the rats to be trained in sensing mines, making for efficient and fast detection and removal of landmines.

The co-ordinator of the TPDF-Apopo project, Lt Col Charles Muzanila, said that regional experts meeting ahead of a heads of state summit in Nairobi later this year under the International Conference on the Great Lakes region had agreed in Angola last week to extend usage of the Tanzanian rats to regional demining initiatives.

The experts who attended the meeting organised by the African Union and the Office of the United Nations Secretary General's Special Representative to the Great Lakes region approved a three-year project estimated to cost about $10 million to deploy the rats throughout the region. The experts were from Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, DR Congo, Congo Brazzaville, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Uganda and Zambia.

The project is among several that the experts were considering for possible adoption under a pact heads of state will endorse during a summit in Nairobi in December. The pact aims at promoting joint economic development as well as peace and stability in the region.

Apopo had proposed to set up a combined Remote Explosive Scent Tracing (REST) and survey team, which could be deployed in the region.

It said a personal digital assistant-based data collection survey would allow integration of the results in the International Information Management System for Mine Action database, which is essential for efficient mine action planning.

Lt. Col Muzanila said the landmine threat posed great risks to local populations, especially women and children, by denying them access to land for food production, pastures and collection of water and firewood.

Mined roads obstruct the supply of aid and relief goods to communities and hamper general trade and transport after civil wars, he said. Mines in border regions prevent the safe return of internally displaced people and refugees.

Under the REST technology that Apopo has developed, dust samples are collected from suspected minefield areas and taken to laboratories for evaluation by trained rats. The rats are able to detect minute explosive traces, and indicate areas that are contaminated with explosive devices such as mines and unexploded ordnance.

"The REST system provides additional information to traditional survey techniques, where suspected areas are mapped on the basis of military and civilian information, which is often subjective or unavailable. Clearly, a combination of both techniques provides a better demarcation of the mined areas," another Apopo official said.

Mine detection rats are used to indicate the exact positions of buried landmines. It takes a rat less than half an hour to search a 100 square metre surface.

Besides being used in demining, it is envisaged that the rats will also be employed in cargo screening and parcel checks at border points as well as in early detection of pulmonary tuberculosis among persons vulnerable to the HIV virus.

The REST system that is currently in use was developed for the detection of drugs and explosives in rail cargo, vehicles, trucks and houses before Apopo modified it for landmine detection.

...rats...such an underated animal..