Saturday, July 16, 2005

Rats. The best pets.

Rats. The best pets. :: ABC Western Australia: "The best pets for children? A Perth veterinarian with youngsters of her own, reckons you can't go past a rat or two.

Helen Grandage explains: 'They're great pets, they're sociable, they enjoy your company...they want to come to you,' she says '...they're very happy to be dressed up and carted around the household by a four year old. (They're) really resilient animals. They don't bite as long as they're handled gently.'"

Rats the best pet by far...

How long can Rats survive without food? Search Results: "Rats can survive up to 14 days without any food. "

I think my stomachs grumbling...

Classical music anyone? Search Results: "According to scientific studies, a rat's performance in a maze can be improved by playing music written by Mozart. "

Everything improves with classical music playing in the background...