Tuesday, January 03, 2006

"You dirty rat"

Movie gangster par excellence Jimmy Cagney is famous for saying, "You dirty rat," and spawning as many impersonators as there are rats in New York. Only Cagney never said that. Depending on whom you believe, it's a slimmed down version of "You dirty, double-crossing rat" in "Blonde Crazy" (1931) or "Take that, you dirty yellow rat!" in "Taxi!" (1932).

...misquote perhaps?

Rat bring down jumbo jet

The Wall Street Journal had a recent story on how rats have the potential to bring down a jumbo jet with a well-placed nibble that severs the networks for control, navigation or communication. That's why planes around the globe are held up all the time by the need to roust out mice, rats, spiders and other stowaways.

...oops :o)

Rats are important part of the Scottish highlands habitat

Parrots, lizards and rats in the shadow of the thistle.

The stunning diversity of plant and animal life that can actually be found in Scotland and its surrounding waters, ranging from the common kestrel to the northern right whale, the leathery turtle and vast salt marshes, are now detailed in the Scottish Biodiversity List, published yesterday.

Every animal, fish, plant and habitat on the list is considered to be of crucial importance to sustaining Scotland's biodiversity. The list, which has been published on the internet at www.biodiversityscotland.gov. uk, will allow public bodies to check what animals or rare flora are in their area and what can be done to protect them.

The publication of the list is a requirement under the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act, which was introduced by the Scottish Parliament last year, and includes 61 species which can only be found north of the Border, such as the Scottish crossbill bird.

While Scotland is home to approximately 90,000 species of animals, plant and microbe and possesses a range of habitats from fresh water, sea and lochs, to forests, mountains and farmlands, the creatures and habitats on the list are considered by a team of experts to be of "principal importance". The list is broken down into terrestrial and freshwater species, terrestrial and freshwater habitats and marine species and habitats. The criteria used by the Scottish Executive's Biodiversity Forum was detailed but included all species already identified as of priority by the UK Biodiversity List and all species for which Scotland, through the UK, has international obligations to safeguard.

...each bird, mamamal, and plant is an intergral key part in the higlands

Rat frequent flyer points

Behavioral psychologist B.F. Skinner studied reward systems, by putting rats in so-called "Skinner boxes." When the animals pulled levers, they got rewards, or not.

The rat who got food every time he pulled a lever is a lot like the shopper who gets free shipping every time he buys something from Amazon.com, or points every time he sits down to eat at T.G.I. Fridays — he goes back again and again, expecting a reward.

But take that reward away, and eventually the rat, changes behavior.

...training a rat 101...keep giving rewards :-)