Sunday, July 31, 2005

To click or not to click that is the question...

How did clicker training get started?
Clicker training uses a method called operant conditioning, pioneered by psychologist B.F. Skinner in the 1960s. Skinner observed that an animal will tend to repeat an action that has a positive consequence and will avoid an action that has a negative consequence. If a primary reinforcer (like food) is used, the animal will become conditioned to repeat the action that produces the food. Using operant conditioning, Skinner trained rats to push a lever that released food pellets. The clicker is used as a conditioned reinforcer – a cue that something good is coming. A form of clicker training (using whistles) was originally used with great success on dolphins. In the 1990s, clicker training for other animals really took off when trainers realized how easy and effective it was.

How does clicker training work?
Clicker training works by getting your pet to expect something positive (like a treat) in return for doing something you ask him or her to do. You use the clicker so that your pet will associate the treat with the clicking noise. Eventually, you won’t even have to use treats; your pet will respond to the clicker alone.

How do I do clicker training?
To start, make sure you have your clicker and some soft treats on hand, cut or broken up into small pieces. You don’t want treats that are too crumbly, since you want your pet to focus on you, not the crumbs dropping on the floor. thats clicker training...ok good boy, sit, roll, good boy


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