Sunday, July 31, 2005

Rat School

I know training rats may sound a little funny but it is very helpful. You can train your rat to ride on your shoulder, to use a litter box, understand when you tell it no, and come to you when you call them by name. In order to train a rat you need to establish a trusting relationship. When your rat is comfortable with their cage and you then you're ready to begin training them.

The first thing you should start with is teaching them their name. When you see your rat say its name and then hold it. You must repeat this over and over but after a while if your rat starts to come to your hand when you call them give them a treat. Soon you will be able to replace the treat with petting or a kiss.

Once your rat has learned their name you can teach them to walk on a harness and leash. I use a ferret harness becuase it can be fitted to a rats size. Training a rat to wear a harness can be kind of tricky. Before a rat will walk on a leash they need to become comfortable with a harness. When you put the harness on your rat be prepared for them to squirm and wiggle out of it. Some may even drag their bodies on the ground to get the harness off. Don't worry, this is totally normal. Make sure the harness isn't too tight, you can check this by sticking your pinky finger under the straps. If your finger won't fit then the harness is too tight. Every time you put your rat in the harness give them a treat and let them know you're still there by petting them. Don't worry if your rat looks in pain or can't walk because they will do this to try to get you to take the harness off. Once they become comfortable with the harness they will be able to walk normally. After the harness training you can attach the leash. Let the rat wander around the house a little with you following. Every so often give a little tug on the leash and call your rats name. Over a period of time start trying to get your rat to follow you instead of you following them.

I think the hardest thing to train your rat is litter training. It is well worth the effort because in the end it will save you alot of money on bedding. I use the bottom of a kleenx box for the litter box but you can find a plastic one at pet stores. Put a little bedding in the bottom of the litter box and then place all the turds in the box. Every time you see a few terds outside of the box place them in the litter box. This may take a while but it'll work. Your rat will get used to smelling the turds in the box and will eventually relize thats were they should go to the bathroom. Good luck!

The student passed with an A+


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