Saturday, July 30, 2005

Godfather Rat

Rats create a hierarchy like dogs in a pack do. There are Alpha rats, though not too common, that must be the boss at all costs and will injure with any rat that challenges them. But most of the time, rats will wrestle over and over to establish the pecking order. This is okay and normal, so long as there is no blood shed or squeeking. Some rats will never be accepted into a group of established rats, especially a group headed by an Alpha rat. I have two Alpha rats in my rattery and I own close to 14 male rats. At one time many of these rats lived together in a huge cage. The alpha males tormented any new rats that they do not know, even wounding them, severly. The best arrangement I found for these guys was to live with each other and a much older, mellower rat. All of my other males can be mixed and matched with little problems arising. Females can be Alphas too. Some rats must live alone their whole lives if they cannot get along with other rats. Try putting different rattie combinations together to see who accepts whom better.

Hey come here.
I want you to listen to me very carefully to what I want to tell you.
We both know I'm a Rat, not a mouse and now you have insulted me and my family.
I want to give you a chance to make capisce...


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