Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Top Rat

Playful posturing is a regular part of the rat social hierarchy. You’re most likely to witness dominance drama when you introduce a new rat to your colony. After a sniff-over and a brief wrestling match, the less-dominant rat in a new pair may end up pinned on his back on the floor. He should suffer no serious injuries, save injured pride. The squeaks and squeals you hear from your rats when they’re sparring playfully like this are indignant protests (“Hey!”) rather than shrieks of distress. Separate your rats if one bites another hard enough to make him bleed.

It’s important to spend time with your rats every day so that you can recognize any abnormal anti-social behavior. If one of your pets seems unusually listless, shows little interest in food or isolates himself from the rest of the pack, then there is probably something wrong with him. Get help from a veterinarian that specializes in small mammals as soon as possible.

Who's top of the rat chain then? I want to go straight to the Top Rat...


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