Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Rat Temperaments...

pets: Rats in the house?: "Temperament
They are friendly and sociable animals, preferring to live in large groups, either with humans or a mix of rats and humans. They will often look to include their keeper in their social circle and if allowed, will give you as much affection as a cat or dog will. They're fairly inteligent, too, easily learning to use a litter box and to come when called, and they'll soon learn the sound of their favourite treats being brought out, too!

Another great thing about rats is that it's incredibly rare for a domestic rat to bite if they have been raised and socialised properly. Their instinct is to run away if they can. If you are holding them, their reaction will be rather less pleasant, but better than a nip from a disgruntled hamster (it'll all wash off)

Pleasant pets...


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