Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Rattie house cleaning tips

Keep it clean!: "I was cleaning a cage out the other day and I have to say it: ratty housekeeping really is not that hard. Of course, the more cages the more work. But I can have a bottom pan cleaned and dried and back on the cage in about 5 minutes. It’s nothing to do one cage in the morning before I go to work.

I’ve already shared some of my cleaning tips; now, I’ll add some more.

Don’t overwork -- often if you just wet the tray or the food bowls and let them sit, the crud will soften up and come off. Then, wipe with a soapy sponge to really get things moving and rinse in hot water. Don’t use antibacterials! They’re not strong enough to really kill the bugs so all they’re doing is making the bugs STRONGER.

I believe that at this moment: I am the only person in New York City that uses a washboard. I mean it. Just squeezing the soap through the rags wasn’t doing it. And my hands were getting raw rubbing the scurf out of them. So I trotted off to the hardware store and they dug one up for me. It took a while to figure out how to use it (I couldn’t find where to put the quarter…) But now I love that thing! You can scrub out a stain or some petrified banana without raking your knuckles down to the bone. So get a washboard!

I have a wooden nest box. It looks like it’s sealed with something inside and out: this I wash with soap and water like anything else. Just don’t soak it because it will warp and then you can use it for a fruit bowl.

I also let the kids have cardboard boxes. They get gross pretty fast but you can make them last longer if you make them BOTTOMLESS: so your shelf covering is the interior floor and you can clean it.

I cover my shelves with thick layers of newspaper. When they are soiled, I peel off the dirty layers until I get down to the clean ones.

I bed on shredded paper towels along with the rags: plain paper towels that I run through the office shredder. I put a piece of cardboard in the waste bag, so I can keep my shreds separate"

Too easy to keep it clean!...


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