Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Rat Facts on health...


Rats cannot have or give rabies.

Every ten days of a rats life, equals one human year.

A rats average life span is between 2-3 years.

Rats keep their teeth trim by constantly grinding them together. What this means is, is that a rat's teeth generally won't overgrow unless their jaw alignment is off, or if they have stopped grinding their teeth for some reason (such as an abscessed tooth.)

Rats cannot burp.

Rats cannot vomit.

Rats can and do fart.

Female rats can start developing mammary tumors at the age of 18 months.

Rats synthesize their own vitamin C and vitamin K.

A rat's tail helps regulate a rat's body temperature.

To much sugar can cause a rat to have diarrhea.

Rats practice "coprophagy", which is the eating of their feces to obtain the vitamins from them. Rabbits also do this.

Rats are "omnivorous". This means that they eat both plants and animals.

and no red cordial either...


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