Friday, August 05, 2005

Thats one big Rat

Rat & Mouse Gazette: Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, and Bumblefoot: A Possible Correlation?: "Type 2 diabetes in rats begins gradually and progresses slowly. In the early stages (three to seven months of age) there are very few, if any, outward symptoms present besides obesity. Onset usually does not become evident until a rat reaches middle age, usually around eight to ten months, and older. Symptoms in the rat include excessive thirst (drinking more than 2 ounces of water per day), increased urination (large amounts of very clear, diluted, urine), dry 'crispy' haircoat if kidney damage is occurring or if there is left-sided congestive heart failure present, a fine, glossy haircoat if kidney damage is not yet occurring, constipation, urine retention, fatigue, unexplained weakness in the rear legs, unusual clumsiness, paw shaking which can include almost frantic shaking and licking of fingers and palm on the affected paw or paws, unexplained itching, sterility in females, failure to bring litters to term, birth defects, failure of even simple wounds to heal, foot ulcerations including ulcerative pododermatitis (bumblefoot), unexplained weight loss, spontaneous interoccular hemorrhages (bleeding within the eye due to microscopic vascular ruptures within the retina), recurrent abscesses, recurrent respiratory infections that either do not respond to antibiotics or reoccur immediately after antibiotic treatment has been terminated, and pneumonia are all indications of possible type 2 diabetes."

Rats and type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, and Bumblefoot: A Possible Correlation?


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