Friday, August 05, 2005

Variety is the spice of life...

Rat species, strains, breeds and types: "Variety

Pet rats are quite variable in appearance -- they may have different colors and markings, their fur may be straight or wavy, they may have no fur at all, their ears may be low-set, they may have long or short or absent tails.

This kaleidoscope of rat variation is loosely divided into varieties or types (e.g. RMCA and AFRMA). A variety is arbitrarily defined as a group of rats that share a single physical trait. For example, rats with curly fur belong to the 'rex' variety, rats with low-set ears are called 'dumbo,' rats without hair are called 'hairless.'

Two rats belong to the same variety if they share the trait in question, regardless of the rats' ancestry. Also, a single rat may belong to more than one variety, such 'dumbo' and 'rex.'

A variety is therefore a purely descriptive category, it says nothing about the biological relationship between rats."

hey rexy...


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