Sunday, August 21, 2005


ABC TV Documentaries: RAT: "MAN and RAT - the two most successful mammals on earth- compete for the same turf: New York City - ‘Ratropolis’.

Uptown, downtown, across town and finally under the town thousands of rats are living the ‘good life’. The rats are taking over.

Out of the sewer and straight into the lives of New Yorkers, the journey of the RAT reveals a different side of natural history taking place in walls, ceilings and underground. While the rat is one of the most feared and attacked animals alive, we also find out it’s one of the most remarkable and intelligent of God’s creatures.

Burrowing into the rat’s world we see where and how it lives and meet the people it competes with. People like Sabrina Boachie of East New York whose studio apartment was over-run by rats.

“I couldn’t never leave nothin’ on top of the stove. I was scared to even bake somethin’, to put my food in there knowing that mices was in there and they have a ball in there and...I never really did bake.”

In Brooklyn, Tom Brice fought his own, very personal war with them and to this day remains deeply affected.

“When you look inside of his eyes you could see he’s got a soul, he’s got somethin’ inside of ‘im, and he’s lookin’ right back at you. He wants you just as bad as you want him. It’s like looking into the face of the abyss, or your worse nightmare.”

George DèChabert is a member of the Bureau of Pest Control Exterminating team.

“At one time you can shine a flashlight on and they’ll run away. But, now they’ll just stand on they hind legs and look at you and eat, like you ain’t nuttin’. It’s like a squirrel you talkin’ to, or a dog, or somethin’, and it gets to me, That’s what scares me is they attitudes.”"

Its Ratropolis 2005


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