Thursday, August 18, 2005

Wagging Tails? What could that mean?

The primary use of a tail is for balance. When a rat is trundling along an impossibly thin piece of rope or string, or is about to leap the tail often wags or dips. Rats are such incredibly agile creatures, that they need some way of defining those movements, and a long dexterous tail is the perfect way.

However there are differnt types of wagging tails. Which one does your rat do?

Wags their tail sort of like a rippling like a snake moving rather than a doggy way, she does it really fast!

Two of my boys have been tail waggers. Felix used to wag his tail when he was up to something, like planning a big jump or chasing around one of his brothers in play, and Kermit does it now when he seems to be playing 'secret agent.'

A tailwagger seems to do it when he is contemplating jumping on the floor!

I have a rat who holds her tail in a perfect horizontal line straight out from her body. It looks rock hard! Dont know why yet as she is new! Its wild looking tho!
they do that for balance mainly,and when they are running! they are rock hard and they hurt when they slap you in the face.

A slap in the face with a wet a slap in the face with a rats tail...


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