Monday, August 15, 2005

Rat myths dispelled...

Myths and Legends: "Rats have recived a lot of pad press over the years, mostly through misinformation and misunderstanding. Lots of people say they hate rats, they think they're gross and evil and eat babies. That's plainly stupid. Rats are not gross, they groom themselves many times a day like a cat. The even groom their rattie friends. Evil? Not really. Rats almost never bite, unlike hamsters. This is because hamsters in the wild live alone, all they want is to go sleep under a rock. They dont want to be held or loved. Wild rats, however, live in groups and need to socilize a lot. Baby eaters? Ha!!! 'But rats carried the Black Death,' you say. The wild Black rat, Rattus Rattus, carried fleas that carried the Black Death. Please remember that you had to be bitten by a flea, not a rat to get the Black Death. DOMESTICATED rats, are decended from the Brown rat, Rattus Norvegicus, which actually helped drive the Black rat away. Even if you dont like wild rats, you sould not hate pet rats, they didn't do anything to anyone! No domesticated rat carries the Black Death, and I have never heard of a pet rat with rabies. "

Someone has a very vivid imagination...urban myth I think not...


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