Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Rats Rule OK! "Rats truly make wonderful pets! If you are looking for a fun, small pet, please don't rule out a rat. They are loyal, friendly and playful, and love human attention. Most pocket pets could care less about the attention you give them (ferrets excluded), but rats absolutely thrive on it! Rats can also be trained! They can learn their names and some commands, with some patience. Many rat lovers compare them to very small dogs, in terms of intelligence and love, including world-famous animal guy, Jack Hanna, who says, 'Rats are the closest thing you will find to a dog in a small animal.' Rats are extremely social animals, so they do best if you keep them in same-sex pairs or more (I currently have four males). I can't stress enough that rats need the companionship of other rats, as well as their human friends. They are happier, healthier, and even more social toward humans if they have other rats to interact with."

Rats Rule OK!!!


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