Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Quick stick it back together before Mom gets home...

Rat & Mouse Gazette: Q & A: "
If you accidentally pull some of yoru rats tail off heres what you do:

A rats tail skin is very delicate and is easily pulled off if you grab the tail hard and pull, or if you grab the tail hard and the rat pulls away from you. If you must grab the tail to prevent the rat from getting into somewhere dangerous, make sure you grab the tail at its base, not anywhere close to the end.

Once an accident like this happens, there are only two possible courses of action: (1) Take the rat to a qualified vet and have the injured portion of the tail amputated surgically, and (2) Allow the injured portion of the tail to dry up and slough off.

With either choice there is plenty of pain involved, however, I believe the amputation is the short-term pain option. Careful consideration of any surgical procedure must still be used (i.e., age, health, or anything else that would present a higher risk during anesthesia).

The skin of a rat tail will not grow back and the injured portion of the tail will eventually die and fall off. This is called sloughing. During the time the injured area remains moist, there will be considerable pain involved. Once the tissue dies and begins to dry out, the rat appears to no longer be in any pain. It is very difficult to watch a rat go through this, and the rat should not be allowed to roam the house. Actually, the rat should be kept alone, on clean white paper-towels in a 10-gallon aquarium or something equivalent, so as to prohibit climbing or too much dragging the tail around. Most rats will stay relatively quiet during the painful period and should be encouraged to do so."

Oh NO! The tail's came what do I do? Quick stick it back together before Mom gets home.


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