Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Rats love to be petted...

Rat Assistance & Teaching Society: Why Rats?: "Pet rats are truly domesticated animals that have been selectively bred in captivity for hundreds of generations. They have been bred to be gentle and affectionate. Pet rats are as different from wild rats as dogs are from wolves. They rarely bite and stay clean by grooming themselves like a cat several times a day.

Rats are extremely social and personable animals that bond strongly to their owners. They are smart enough to learn their names and will come when you call them. They beg to come out of their cage to play and interact with their owners.

Rats love to be petted. They enjoy being rubbed behind their ears or scratched on their shoulders. Some rats will roll over on their back so their owner can rub their tummy. Many rats will lick their owners to show affection just like a dog.

Rats are very playful and will wrestle with your hand the same way a kitten will. Rats will play games with their owners, including tug-o' war, hide-n-seek, and peek-a-boo.

Rats can learn many tricks just like dogs. They can learn to sit up, fetch, walk a tightrope, pull up a basket on a string and jump through a hoop. Some rats are smart enough to learn a trick after only two lessons!

Each rat is an individual with his or her own personality. Some rats are very intelligent (more intelligent than most dogs and cats!) but some rats aren't so smart, just like some other cats and dogs (and people.) But even these bumbling blockhead rats are affectionate and make adorable loving pets.

Rats make great pets for both children and adults. Because they are nocturnal animals, they are happy to sleep during the day while their owner is at work or school. Then they are ready to come out to play in the morning or evening. They are especially good pets for apartment dwellers with limited space, and busy people, as long as you can spend at least 1/2 to 1 hour a day with your rats.

Ahhh yes...thats the spot...


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