Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Just FUR fun

Pet Care: Rat Pig 411: "
Did you know that rats are available wearing five different kinds of coats?
The short STANDARD coat is the most common.

REX rats have curly coats--and curly whiskers, too.

Rats with SATIN coats have super shiny hair.

Some rats are bred to be TAILLESS. (That's right, no tails!)

Owning a HAIRLESS rat sure cuts down on all those trips to the beauty parlor. (Just kidding! But if you do get a hairless rat, please remember that they're extra sensitive to heat and cold, and need to be kept warm.)"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey nice site! I'm big into sphynx cats, I get the impression from Just FUR fun you are too. Do you have any other blogs or sites about sphynx cats? If so maybe we can exchange links or resources sometime. Let me know if your interested. Take care!

4:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey nice site! I'm big into sphynx kitten breeders, I get the impression from Just FUR fun you are too. Do you have any other blogs or sites about sphynx kitten breeders? If so maybe we can exchange links or resources sometime. Let me know if your interested. Take care!

12:46 AM  

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