Your invited to a Rat Costume Party hosted by none other than "The Rat Lady"
Recent events in Chico
A RAT COSTUME PARTY: Noon to 4 p.m. Fundraiser for RATS, Rat Assistance and Teaching Society. Lunch potluck, silent auction, sales of gift items. People may bring healthy pet rats for costume contest for $1 each. Prizes awarded. Rats up for adoption. Call Debbie Ducommon at 899-0605.
...everyone say cheese...
A RAT COSTUME PARTY: Noon to 4 p.m. Fundraiser for RATS, Rat Assistance and Teaching Society. Lunch potluck, silent auction, sales of gift items. People may bring healthy pet rats for costume contest for $1 each. Prizes awarded. Rats up for adoption. Call Debbie Ducommon at 899-0605.
...everyone say cheese...
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