Friday, August 05, 2005

Treat Treat!

Fancy Rats | Information | Feeding: "Sprouts is a fun activity food for rats Purchase a small quantity of mixed corn, as sold for chickens. Line a shallow dish or tray with kitchen paper or tissue. Sprinkle a layer of the mixed corn over it and water until the seeds and paper are soaked. Ideally leave on a window sill in a warm room. Water as and when it drys out. The seed will soon start to sprout and when they are about 1-2 inches high you can give the whole tray to your rats, they love to dig around and eat the best bits. You may prefer to pick the sprouts yourself and feed them to the rats, but my rats actually sit in the tray and help themselves.

Unfortunately this treat is a short lived one, due to the constant dampness mould starts to grow, at this point they should not be fed to the rats and fresh ones should be prepared."

Yum theres nothing like fresh sprouts for a treat!


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