Thursday, July 21, 2005

Squeak! Rat Feathery Toys

Squeak! Feathery Toys: "You can use any feather, but try to avoid dyed types since the dye can rub off onto the rat. I found this out the hard way. Pope, my albino ratty, wound up with a neon pink belly for several days. You can begin by stoking them with it -- gently, and don't get near the eyes! They will try to chase and grab it. For a real good time for both you and your ratty, you can tie the feather to a string and pull it around for them to run after. You can also buy feather 'fishing line' made for cats as they work easily as well for ratties. My rats occasionally eat the feather afterwards, so, as a general rule, it isn't a vary long-lasting toy when left in your rat's paws!"

Rats like to play with feathers, cats like to play with feathers, dogs like to play with feathers too...


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