Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Rats are ticklish too...

petrats: "Pet rats are not like their wild cousins. Pet rats are actually very lovable, affectionate, and one of the most intelligent rodent pets. They can be taught tricks, and they can even learn to help clean their cages! Ancient Romans recognized how incredible rats were and considered them to be good luck. The Chinese consider rats as symbols of prosperity while the Japanese have considered rats to be messengers of the gods. Most people don't know that pet rats are ticklish too. Pet rats have very sensitive bellies, and they will let out a high-pitched laugh when tickled. In addition, their sense of balance is so sharp that they can use it to predict earthquakes! What makes these animals even more impressive is how easy it is to take care of them. Give your pet rats a Deluxe Care Home with plenty of lab blocks or food pellets to eat, and they will love you for it. Since pet rats like to chew, placing Swiss Chews in their cages will help them keep their teeth in shape. You can watch it exercise in its Comfort Wheel or take it for walks with its Comfort Harness and Stretchy Stroller Leash. Rats can run 2-3 miles in a night so they will appreciate any exercise you can give them. Rats also love to swim. In fact, they have been known to swim up to a half mile and be able to stay under water for as long as 3 minutes!"

tickle tickle tickle....


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