Sunday, July 31, 2005

Ratty Age Calculator

How old is your pet in rat years?

This calculator is based on a comparative age chart compiled by Debbie Ducommun of The Rat Fan Club.

The relationship between rat years and human years does not follow a constant ratio - rats develop much more quickly than humans in their early life, so the calculator shows them ageing much faster at the beginning of their lives. The unusual age of 7 for a rat is taken as comparable to the age of 120 for humans, based on an entry in the 1995 Guiness Book of Records where a lab rat called Rodney was recorded as living for 7 years and 4 months.

To find out your Rats age click on this link >>>Ratty Corner Fun Rat Age Calculator


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you have a great blog here Leigh Parker, searching for info on dog training clicker I just stumbled across you. Although Ratty Age Calculator is not exactly what I am looking for it certainly got my interest. I see now why I found your blog looking for information on dog training clicker and am glad I stopped by even though this is not a perfect match. Great blog I intend to bookmark you, thanks for the read.

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Leigh Parker, I was looking around for stuff on dog training center and found your post. I have to admit, theres some pretty good info here but I could not find anything about Ratty Age Calculator specifically. I see now why I found your page looking for information on dog training center and am glad I stopped by even though this is not a perfect match. This is one of the best blogs I have seen so far... you're doing a terrific job. Keep it

5:58 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hello, I tried to load Debbie's page with the Rat age calculator and it doesn't work anymore.

3:09 AM  

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