Don't Rat Rodents Out
By Alicyn Leigh. Long Island Press
The early-1970s horror movies Willard and Ben might have creeped out many, but they did a great job portraying those who love larger-sized rodents. Classified as an "exotic" pet, "ratties" make wonderful house pets and provide unconditional love just as good as the next lap cat. In fact, there is a great rat-rescue organization that serves the Tri-State area dedicated to caring for the unwanted.
Renee and Luna Foxx with
their pet, Frankie"We choose to rescue rats because they are amazing critters, but they also get an unwarranted bad rap," says Renee Foxx of Ratta Muffin Rat Reskue in Browns Mills, NJ.
"[My partner Luna and I] met in 1998 and started taking in abandoned rats from friends of friends," Renee says. "A sales clerk at a local pet store would give us the sick rats so we could nurse them back to health and we always kept them."
And so the duo began their work as a rescue team, aiding the ASPCA and shelters when pet rats were involved. Their largest rescue was in 2004, when they took in 171 animals out of a cruelty situation in Jersey City; 154 of those animals were rats.
Want to help?
Here's how...
Visit RMRR's discount online store dedicated to small animals, The One Stop Critter Shop, at RMRR needs volunteers for transporting rats, fostering, adopters and/or physical (bedding, cereal, towels, etc.) or monetary donations. Please make all checks and money orders payable to Ratta Muffin Rat Reskue or Paypal. E-mail:
...bless them and their rat rescue...
technorati tags:rat, rescue, one, stop, critter, shop,, fancy, rats, rattie, exotic, et, domestic, pet, rat, Ratta, Muffin, Rat, Reskue
I have three ratties: Heidi, Maude, and Madge. Like Renee and Luna, I became a rattie lover after I rescued a hairless one in 2003. I have my ratties' cages in my compter room. Heidi has her own pad because Maude and Madge are younger and not as "refined" as my Heidi. Maude and Madge tee tee in their sleeping quarters. Heidi has never done that. She does her business in one corner of her cage.
All three ratties have their individual personalities. My husband and I absolutely adore our little rodents.
Mary Beth in Summerville, SC
This Long Island Press article was interviewed with Luna Foxx only. Big misprint!!! Renee had absolutely no input in that interview.
Inside Source
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