Friday, June 02, 2006

Vet signs off on pet project for another year

YESTERDAY signalled the end of the Royal Easter Show for another year for Peter Higgins.

The Killara resident has been the senior Vet at the show for 15 years. He was responsible for looking after more than 4000 dogs, 500 cats, 400 rats and mice, and hundreds of birds, guinea pigs and rabbits.

Dr Higgins attended all 14 days of the show.

It was a hectic two weeks, with many of Dr Higgins' days comprising 12-hour days and 6.30am starts.

Despite the long hours, Dr Higgins said he couldn't imagine not being involved with the show.

``It becomes a part of your life and the show gets in your blood,'' he said. ``It's a good feeling knowing that you have been a part of something people will remember.''

As senior Vet, Dr Higgins' vetted cats and dogs and rats and attended to them if they became stressed, ill or injured.

He also carried out random drug tests on the competing animals and was a commentator for the Best in Show dog competition.

...another show comes and another show goes...


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