Friday, July 15, 2005

Did you know? More Rat Facts....

Adorable Rats: " Rat Bytes

* Rats have hands and feet, not paws.
* Rats can get along quite splendidly with cats, dogs, birds, and even hedgehogs.
* Rats don't take kindly to Snakes, Iguanas, Guinea Pigs, hamsters, and some nervous mice.
* Debbie “The Rat Lady” Ducommunsays that comparing domestic rats to wild rats is like comparing poodles to wolves.
* Jack Hannah says that rats are the nearest thing to a dog you'll find in a small mammal.
* Female rats have soft, silky hair and tend to be chewers. They're always busy and curious.
* Male rats have coarse hair as adults and tend to get fat. They're usually couch potatoes and cuddly.
* A new breed of rat is completely hairless, another variety is tail-less ( a Manx rat), and there's the Dumbo that has big ears.
* Rats love Ravioli and are fun to watch as they eat spaghetti noodles.
* Rats love lots of silly games like Tag, Hide 'n Seek, and Wrestling.
* Most rats will leave a few drops of urine to mark.
* Rats can grieve for months over the death of another rat or a favorite person.
* Although naturally nocturnal, rats will adjust their schedule to yours.
* Rats come when called (when they're in the mood) and know other pets' names.
* Rats squeak when they don't like something
* Daily servings of broccoli will help prevent tumors, which rats are very susceptible to.
* Echinacea tea will lessen the need for antibiotics for mycoplasmosis symptoms.
* Pine or cedar shavings should never be used for bedding. Use Carefresh, Yesterday's News, Aspen. Use newspapers - not pages with colored ink - and old towels washed without fabric softenener.

Not just a cute rat...


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